Too Much Crap- BBC Cancel HARDTalk Programme With The Liar RPK + Minah Rempit

Too Much Crap- BBC Cancel HARDTalk Programme With The Liar RPK

By Satu Hala

Muah hah hah hah I see there are people at BBC using their brain at last!

HARDtalk has now dropped Raja Petra Kencing Kamaruddin.

When I first heard that BBC, an organisation with a legacy of excellent broadcasting, called on RPKencing (a compulsive liar, having a convict as a son, and wife playing hooky with a bangla, etc) as a guest, I wondered on what ground they based it on.

Could it be that their editor were so hard pressed that any Tom, Dick or Harry would do just to make sure the programme meets the deadline?

It’s like they were lining up back-ups before getting the right person...or maybe just in case they didn’t get the most suitable one...invited back-ups are usually those of no or little significance so that they can be rejected easily.

In RPK’s case, it’s not that he’s just unimportant, but there is a possibility that after thorough investigation, the editors or producers of HARDtalk concluded that baldy here was just a liar full of hot air...and talks without giving proof.

Wouldn’t it be detrimental to BBC and the prestige of HARDtalk to invite someone like this for the show?

It can be guaranteed...HARDtalk’s image will go down the drain...a programme that had once interviewed head of states including an Israeli minister on the hard stance towards Palestine.

Maybe at some point the people in BBC realised that RPK was unqualified to be on such a programme...they must have at first thought he would do before researching on him.

What’s so special about him that he should make an appearance on HARDtalk?

A gobbledygook fugitive on the run, making-up stories without proof...son rotting in jail...wife being screwed by the Bangla-despatch sending gas cylinders (seems like the cylinders were being changed five times a week)...this guy is not an independence fighter or a politician facing a cruel regime that are brave enough to risk their lives to uphold their principle...he’s just a stray dog laaaa.

This is the kind of person that will throw a rock and hide his hand...he hasn’t got a credential on him to speak on HARDtalk.

However, as a station that has been long established, BBC has its diplomacies.

Although RPK was just a back-up to the desperate producer and has no credibility, when declining or rejecting him, they will give a diplomatic answer.

It’s not like they will tell him to the face “Man, get lost RPK,’d be an embarrassment to us if you appear on HARDtalk”...they can’t exactly say that right?

Their answer must seem logical but actually does not reflect the true situation...

According to RPK in Malaysia Today, a spokesperson by the name of Bridget Osborne called him to tell that he will not be interviewed on HARDtalk because it seems that the BBC lawyers were worried it will ire the Malaysian government...and that there could be legal implications...

Wow...since when does a great station like BBC or producers of HARDtalk scared with the response or reaction of a government towards those being interviewed on their show?

A passage from Wikipedia:

Since 2006, the show has been presented by Stephen Sackur, who was previously the BBC's correspondent in Washington and Brussels and who is an experienced interviewer who has grilled U.S. Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

"Who has grilled U.S. Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton" – The greatest leaders on earth has been grilled with all sorts of question...and all of a sudden BBC is scared of Malaysia’s reaction if they interview RPK? know....bullshit (talking like an angry American mob)...this just doesn’t make sense!

So the truth is...the excuse given by Bridget Osborne to RPK was a tactful answer...declining in a refine manner to uphold the image of BBC...when in reality, the most logical reason of why RPK was not invited was because BBC got hold that “THIS GUY IS ONE BIG LIAR...AND HE WILL BE A DISGRACE TO BBC/HARDTALK IF HE APPERAS” ....that’s it!

The one that I can’t stand the most is RPK’s sentence...”It looks like RPK is too hot even for HARDtalk and BBC said it is a rare occasion that they have had to drop a program.”

"too hot even for HARDtalk" ass!

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