Syed Akbar replace Uncle Loh-Bird on MACC

from Another Brick in the Wall

We delay the fourth part of our "What "the untold MAS story" did not tell?" series to report this important appointment.

Book writer, former banker, property developer, jeweller, adventerer, ...and many other -ers to come from saudara Syed Akbar Ali, including blogger OutSyed the Box, was sworn in as member of the Consultancy Panel on Corruption Prevention and Education for the MACC this morning at 11:00 am at the Prime Minister's Office.

This smart man predicted countries in Middle East is due to fail and the current fall of dictators in his book Club of Doom.

His appointment presumbly replaced the dubious character Tan Sri Robert Phang aka Uncle Loh-Bird.

We commend this appointment by the Prime Minister and believe Syed Akbar is suited to provide ideas and input on how to prevent and educate the public to fight corruption.

It takes a clean, sincere and incorruptible character to fight corruption and Syed Akbar fits that role for now. His role is described here.

If he doesn't, rest assure we bloggers will be the first to whack him to smitterens.

The appointment is also an acknowledgement of MACC on us bloggers in their campaign against corruption. Bloggers, from both side of the political divide, should use Syed Akbar as conduit and avenue to channel ideas, issues and efforts to combat corruption.

As far as pro-UMNO bloggers, we have proven and built the credibility to be non-partisan in our fight against corruption.

When will the pro-Pakatan bloggers begin to be honest and not look at blurting on their Pakatan Government as foresaking their political cause?

Be it the leaders or members of Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat, both do not agree with corruption. Thus we do need to politicise and partisanise corruption?

Be them - Politicians, BN or PR, or Government servants or Corporate man or Businessman or any common man Tom Dick and Harry - all corrupt offenders are enemy of the state!


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