Akhbar The Straits Times melaporkan iklan "Indonesian maids now on SALE!!!" yang menjadi kontroversi beberapa hari yang lepas telah mencetuskan kemarahan rakyat Indonesia...EP harap pihak yang bertanggungjawab harus memandang serius dalam menangani isu ini kerana kecetekan pemikiran orang yang membuat iklan ini telah menyebabkan negara dan rakyat Malaysia susah...
An advertisement in Malaysia for cut-price Indonesian maids has gone viral online in Indonesia and sparked new outrage over an issue that has long divided the two countries.
Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa has phoned his Malaysian counterpart to complain and web users have vented their anger over the flyers tacked to trees in Kuala Lumpur which read "Indonesian maids now on sale!!" "Now your housework and cooking come easy. You can rest and relax. Deposit only 3,500 ringgit (S$ 1,400)" reads the ad, which was posted online at the weekend by an Indonesian campaigner for migrant workers' rights.
"Let's boycott travelling to Malaysia, they have become even more disrespe! ctful," said Arifin Sutrisno on Twitter.
Labour ministry spokeswoman Dita Indah Sari told AFP: "Saying Indonesian workers are on sale is likening a human being to a commodity. This is unacceptable."
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