2 Terrorists Arrested In Lubnan Are PR Supporters
We are lucky to be born in Malaysian a country free from terrorism or any big natural disaster. Even though there were multiple attempts to cause chaos in this country by a few people, until now all of the attempts managed to be broken or curbed by authorities. For that, we should appreciate the performance of the national security force and the government's leadership. This is the proof that all of the criticism which told that the government is corrupt and unreliable is untrue. It is impossible for a country which has a corrupt government and security service to maintain security in the country. However, it does not mean that the mentality which loves 'terrorism' does not spread in the minds of Malaysians. Perhaps because they are unable to penetrate through Malaysian security system, these Malaysian terrorists then decides to fight in other countries, this include Nordin Mat Top from Johor, who was shot dead in Indonesia for being involved in a bombing attack at the country. Besides that, the arrest of two Malaysians, suspected to be suicide bombers in Lubnan recently also proves such mentality among Malaysians. Investigation found that the two Malaysian men were recruited into Al-Qaeda by another Malaysian before they were brought to Yemen where they met with other members of the terrorist group. Both of the suspects tried to enter Syria through Turkey for their jihad mission. They were said to have planned to contact an individual in Lubnan to proceed their attack. The mentality of terrorism often hides beneath the name of jihad so that it would be okay for them to commit such crime. The history on terrorism in Malaysia recorded how PAS was involved! in spreading such mentality which resulted to the bloody Memali Tragedy as well as Sauk. All of those were in the name of Jihad. It began from Amanat Haji Hadi who stated that UMNO was kafir for working alongside non-muslims and the party should be rejected. Up until now, there are still a few PAS supporters described those who were killed in Memali tragedy as 'syuhada'. They believe that murder, rebelling and bringing down an Islamic government was a must because it was not 'Islamic enough'. They were convinced that killing officers who were at that time mostly Muslims was a jihad and that if they were killed, they would descent to heaven. Even though PAS has became more open now, probably liberal as well, the terrorism mentality still stay in the mind of a few of their supporters. Today, these group chooses to join terrorist organization such as JI, Al-Qaeda and a few others. They refuse to practice jihad in a peaceful manner such as which is practiced by a few organisations such as Aman Malaysia and Mercy Malaysia where the members are willing to put their lives at risk with attacks from Israel terrorists just so that they could send food supplies to Palestine. Choosing act of terrorism instead of peace has always been synonym for those who goes against the government or rebels. Just like those two Malaysians who were arrested in Lubnan, early source which was gained from Lubnan stated that their main political stand is to go against the government and to support the opposition. We do not need to mention which opposition party do they support because the opposition has been under one roof, Pakatan Rakyat. Thus, it is enough for us to say that these two suspected terrorists are Pakatan Rakyat supporters. So it has been proven that the hate which is spread by Pakatan Rakyat has resulted to act of terrorism.
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More » Bonology.com | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus | 大马社会政治