PAS’ intention to amend the Constitution to have hudud proves DAP is lying

Press Statement by MCA Vice President Datuk Seri Chor Chee Heung

PAS' intention to amend the Constitution to have hudud proves DAP is lying

Despite DAP's constant claims that Pakatan will stick to the promises listed in their Buku Jingga and their common policy framework, PAS repeatedly continues to poke holes in DAP's rhetoric and claims. 

This is because PAS does not respect Pakatan's Buku Jingga and its common policy framework. The PAS leadership has also made it clear that implementing hudud law in their main agenda, which is more important that DAP's goal or even the common agreement between Pakatan parties.

 So I ask DAP, when will they finally confess to the people, especially the non-Muslims, that they are unable to prevent PAS from implementing hudud if Pakatan wins the federal government?  

PAS has repeatedly stressed that when Pakatan rules, they will implement hudud law. Their stand on this is consistent, and they have never changed their stand. In fact, the party who always changes their stand is DAP. While previously DAP had said that they will never cooperate with PAS, but today we see that DAP still continues to cooperate with PAS despite the latter's insistence on having hudud law.

And now, we see PAS Deputy President Mohamad Sabu saying that PAS will seek to amend the Federal Constitution in Parliament to allow the implementation of hudud law once Pakatan wins the federal government. Thus, I ask Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng to stand up and stop beating around the bush and declare their opposition towards this instead of leaving it to their junior leaders to opposed PAS. 

Datuk Seri Chor Chee Heung
MCA Vice President
Member of Parliament for Alor Setar
Minister of Housing and Local Government

-MCA online-

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