Hauntings in Pengerang

The hauntings by the 'Phantoms of Pengerang' is going another gear up, after they managed to file a court injunction to stop RAPID on 23 August. Several lawyers linked to Opposition have been detected consulting the minority of the Pengerang folks.

The issue at hand is not so complicated. Johor State Government is supposed to facilitate the relocation of some kampungs and provide those affected with compensation, inline with provisions in the National Land Code. Included in the exercise are four schools and some cemeteries. This exercise is nothing extraordinary.

The first tranche of the process of relocation is scheduled to start on 3 September. 646 household will be involved in this exercise. The authorities will go to the ground, brief them, do the paperwork and the consultation (with the Land Office term as 'Hearing') will commence to determine the value of each land owners property and what is on the property. They would be offered cash for the land, structure or even plants, upon the valuation is completed.

On top of that, they would also be offered two acres each of agriculture land, a six thousand square feet housing plot at a nominal fee and subsidized construction cost for their new modern home. Infrastructure, would be thrown in pro-bono by the State Government.

However, in the anticipation and some quarters taking the advantage of full information yet to be released to the affected parties, they misled and even instigated the Pengerang folks with the streams of hyped up, manipulated facts or fabrication. The intention is simple. Create uneasiness, doubt, distrust and if the can, anguish. I

In short, it is another Opposition charged exercise to politicize and demonize any Government project.

Even if it is be which will bring in RM 60 billion in Petronas investments, create 40,000 new jobs and is actually 32% of Prime Minister Dato' Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak's Economic Transformation Plan (ETP) to propel Malaysia into achieving Vision 2020 and a high value economy nation. This does not include a planned USD 21 billion investments from 20 different petrrochemical industry players which will bring about the added value chain for the downstream products.

A coalition of NGOs calling themselves Kumpulan Pahlawan HIjau is expected to organize a 'Himpunan Anti RAPID' on 29 September in Pengerang. The usual suspects is expected to be there, if not as front liners. Its a same drama with a slightly different screenplay twist. It has a very glaring Opposition signature on it.

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