Musa spending away while Sime Darby burn

This announcement appeared in page 3 of The New Straits Times yesterday.

It is advertising Sime Darby's Lecture Series upon Jul 6th featuring Jonathon Porrit, some Mat Salleh wiseguy entrance to speak about tolerable development.

There is no disbelief lectures similar to this is beneficial though which is not the emanate during stake.

Such module sponsored as well as organised by the house is considered prestigous as well as great image building. For Sime Darby, it fit in nicely with their elegant blueblood mindset of the association peaking in the corporate lifecycle.

But which is if we can afford it.

Are they not shocked by the recent announcement of RM1.3 billion detriment by Sime Darby?

Pardon the pun, though because the concern upon tolerable growth when Sime Darby might not be the tolerable association if the Board of Directors aren't wakeful of vital price overruns occuring in two years. Something is wrong with Tun Musa Hitam.

He should renounce as well as we am quite wakeful Dr Mahathir is no some-more Prime Minister as well as conjunction do we with him to return.

Think about it.

This announcement itself could price some RM30,000. Then there is the price of designing the advertisement. Say an additional RM10,000. What about the price of flying this orang putih as well as compensate his lecture price to come an bull? RM40,000?

The price of event - place, refreshment, security etc? It maybe held during Sime Darby Convention Centre though there is still cost. The slightest being event cost. Assume all in RM30,000.

That is already RM110,000, easy.

Can the association afford such luxury now? Should it outlay upon such luxury when association is mislaid the humongous volume of money?

Promise land or ....
Did Musa ever thought what Joe Public as well as Ah Wong the stock punter will say?

What great is it for staff spirit as well as trust upon management with the glooming awaiting of no compensate rise, bonus, as well as during worst, retrenchment. Yet the association can outlay upon ego outing similar to this, which is zero some-more than an event for the rich as well as important to miggle.

As an elegant minded company, we haven't scrutinised the Chairman's car, overseas trip, fee, allowances, perks, as well as in isolation jets.

Why the need for in isolation jet when Musa is not in an senior manager role as well as is in no need to pour out his schedule?

Unless he is not over an old robe of you do the Mile High Club, Musa should just fly commercial as well as save association money.

There is no room for such impracticable ego outing in Sime Darby. But this is the problem with putting an obsessive politicking politician during such the polition.

Musa longed for this in front of to abuse it's trickery as well as satisfy his ego.

... burned to the ground
Prior to the merger, Musa was the Chairman of Guthrie. It seems he had listened about the programmed partnership early as well as longed for to be the Chairman of the Newco, Synergy Drive.

The initial thing he did was to avoid foe from alternative people's lobbying for it. He pretended to be common as to not wish any some-more in front of as well as fake the resignation.

Tan Sri Ahmad Sarji is the Chairman for the strange Sime Darby then. Since the vacancy during Guthrie was going to be temporary, Ahmad Sarji insincere the Chairmanship,. After all, PNB is the vital shareholder in both Sime Darby as well as Guthrie.

This way everybody design Ahmad Sarji would be Chairman of the ! Newco un derneath which have been the 3 vital camp companies. No the single lobbied for it as well as this is when Musa sensitively lobbied to sleepy Pak Lah as well as got it.

Do not trust Musa ever. As it is, he is going around perplexing to whisper censure upon everybody else solely himself.

It is listened which he blamed Dr Mahathir forced upon Sime Darby to take up the Bakun plan though in reality Sime lobbied for the project.

Maybe it is fun to repeat what the single of his tighten associate described of him in full unplug as well as uncensored. The hint is which associaet has stately link.

"Musa ni, manalah dia tahu pasal berniaga. Dia ni tahu nak bergaya aje. Kalau pompuan, dia memang tahu." And he is still not short of it even during this late age.

Yes ... which is the low blow as well as distastefully inappropriate. But did Musa thought for the second which prior to wasting rakyat's money? That is the reduce blow ... ouch!

Letter & Opinion From Joe Public


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