A big insult

One moronic Quote which reflects the ridiculously simple-minded simpletons who are holding high positions:

“You must remember that the country does not belong to the Muslims. There are things that sometimes non-Muslims do, for example, gambling. It is their culture, their way of life and we have to respect their rights”.

Simplistic thinking:

Non muslims= gamblers.

I am a non muslim and to equate me with a gambler culture is a big insult to me and my late parents. Our family had never gambled before. I have never entered a sports toto or magnum shop before. My parents did not gamble, even though as middle class (both parents were teachers) we just had enough to get by. It was the confucianist and moralistic upbringings that they had and which had instilled in us children that all of us did not gamble. I did invest in shares, but I had never speculated, even though sometimes people gave me tips, saying that so and so counters would sure go up, I didnot succumb to temptations and only invest long term based on fundamentals.

i am not alone among the nonMuslims that do not gamble. I know of many friends who are non gamblers and perfect family man.

The perceived culture of gamblings in fact arises from lack of enforcement and corruption that had resulted in illegal gambling initially which led to legalised gambling later on.

To use the argument that even if we do not legalise gambling, there will always be illegal outlets is wrong, wrong and wrong. Two wrongs do not equate to a right!.

It is like saying that since smuggling will always be there no matter how, why not legalise smugglings and let everyone rich ? or legalise prostition just because there will always be people who indulge in this?

To combat these types of wrong and immoral behaviour , we have to start from education but at the same time there must be strict enforcement and severe punishments .

Most if not all religions discourage their followers from gambling. So to say that only a particular religion is against gambling is factually wrong, and that is why there is so much misunderstandings among the various faiths in this country, despite being a multi-religious country.

I spoke very passionately against legalising sports bettings in a crucial meeting which resulted in a stand taken… I cannot indulge more as i was still bound by my oath. it is just not right to legalise something which is wrong and immoral.

Indeed, morality is important not only in politics, but every aspects of our lives….


As a sidetrack from the above topic, one opposition party which is in power in the state in which i stay is involved in a power struggle, with a vice president trying to topple a MB.

I can only say that if this MB is toppled this way, this party is going to lose a lot of votes. The culture of the Big Brother unfortunately has rubbed on this party….. Many of those holding high positions were from the Big Brothers…..The MB has not practised the politics of patronage and this has led to the infightings led by the ambitious VP which unfortunately is an old product from the Big Brother…Old habits die hard.

from Dr. Hsu's forum by Dr Hsu



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