It is unfortunate that Pakatan Rakyat cannot reach a consensus on issues

29 September 2011

Press Statement by MCA Youth National Chairman Datuk Dr Ir Wee Ka Siong

It is unfortunate that Pakatan Rakyat cannot reach a consensus on issues

It is a sad affair that the top leadership of Pakatan Rakyat is unable to reach a consensus in the subject of implementing hudud laws in Malaysia despite hudud laws not being mentioned in the Federal Constitution nor their Buku Jingga. Therefore I suspect that there is some hoodwinking going on.

In fact, the simple truth should be asked is PAS willing to give up the implementation of an Islamic state? The only answer is that Pakatan Rakyat has pulled a cloak over the issue, giving other reasons and excuses instead of a direct answer out of respect for the coalition even if it is on the sensitive issue of hudud laws. It is thus obvious who really is in charge in Pakatan despite the three parties putting on a show of counterbalancing each other.

Pakatan Rakyat parties do not complement each other

The conclusions from Pakatans leaderships meeting are contradictory to the aspect of Pakatan Rakyat. It was announced that there will be no implementation of hudud laws, but on the other hand it is stated that there must be a common ground while respecting the positions of PAS and DAP.

This shows that the meeting was of no use because each party has its own political agenda and differing ideologies. Since no one can put pressure on the other parties, therefore despite how many times they meet it does not make a difference thus proving that they are indeed divided. There is no doubt that Pakatans common policy is suspicious as in the end, who is really in charge of Pakatan?

I believe that the meeting between each partys leadership is merely a ploy to! shut th e mouths of everyone, because as long as the implementation of an Islamic state and hudud laws is not received favourably, this issue will continue to be brought up over and over again.

Although it seems that the problem has been brought to an end, just remember that they are only playing political games in an attempt to make us confused with our concerns over this issue.

Datuk Dr Ir Wee Ka Siong
MCA Youth National Chairman
Deputy Minister of Education

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