Dominique Strauss Kahn and Anwar Ibrahim: Two Men Who Hate the Development of DNA Testing!

One of the powerful sexual predators of the world!
They must be stopped!

Weve all had one of those days. You know, where you get into work late and tell your boss it was because traffic was awful, not noting that he was right behind you the whole way into work. Or where you tell your wife you raced right home from the office, only to have her inform you that the bar called because you left your wallet there.

Or the kind in which you tell the police that you never touched that chambermaid, or if you did, it was consensual, and then your DNA turns up on her dress. Such is a day in the life of Dominique Strauss Kahn, a man whom the great and the! good de fend even to the point of parody, as his continued fall from grace continues its slide into the mud. (The man did himself no favors with his behavior as he was trying to leave New York after the alleged assault.) His defense lawyers have settled on the proposition that their best angle of attack is that a random, attractive chambermaid was so overcome with the sexagenarians flabby looks that she allowed him to sodomize her, and then told the police it was rape. The DNA evidence, we are assured, will be used as proof of a consensual encounter, presumably on the theory that rapists tidy up after themselves after they finish. Read further here!


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