Why So Scared of Sex Video Clip?

I love this! `Independent' media website MalaysiaKini published this letter titled Focus on high priority issues than dodgy porn clip... and another one of Where is our moral high ground?

And the president of the Malaysian Consultative Council for Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) [Phew! So loooong] expressed "Utter horror and sheer disgust over scandalous sex video" ... And so on and so forth.

The first is written by one Rajiv Nambiar, whoever he is. The second is by the president of MCCBCHST, Reverend Dr. Thomas Philips; while the third is from Prof Dr Mohamad Tajuddin M. Rasdi (See his profile here. Ini semua bukan orang lekeh-lekeh ye. Cuma Rajiv tu aku tak tahu: kalau Ravi Nambiar, pernah dengar... The Star, kalau tak silap).

There's a couple of common themes here - all are riding a high horse, and all want to divert from the most important issue of all ... WHO is the person in the video, and is he really the person whom many say he is? So, this begs the question:

Why are you all so afraid of facing it?!

Head in the sand... Awas! Bahaya tungging punggung macam ni... takut nanti `ada orang' (yang nama tak boleh disebut) buat sesuatu Heheh!


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