Anwar Sex Video: Sack Rahim Thamby Chik, distribute the video

Rahim Thamby Chik seems to have lost his mind while in the political wilderness, and while he goes back there to look for it the rest of the country should not be left wondering who was exactly on the tape that everyone is talking about.

I mean, nearly every conversation with an adult friend that we have not met for the last week would inevitably begin with a query whether I have seen the tape or it inevitably ebbs towards that topic.

Malaysians cannot avoid the subject though some are keen to see and others say they loathe it.

Let's get back to Rahim or RTC.

We all know that he has an axe to grind with Anwar for leaking those stories about an affair he allegedly had with a 16-year old girl and I completely understand his anger with Anwar but as a politician he must hold on to Machiavelli like a painter holds on to a brush, it is the most important tool in a politician's arsenal.

First and foremost politicians should know that the objective is the most important thing and if it means sleeping with the enemy then so be it. Any politician who fails to understand this simple concept should be sacked.

RTC should know that his direct involvement in the revelation of this sex tape will damage the message and turn a hot potato into a slimy potato.

As a seasoned operative RTC should only have to look at the Chua Soi Lek video expose to know and understand that sometimes it is best if people think it appears by magic...sure some quarters in MCA were accused of it but in the end there was no proof.

For his direct involvement and eagerness to claim credit, Rahim Thamby Chik should be sacked from Risda, DS Najib should sack him if for nothing other than to make it clear to the world that h! e does n ot endorse gutter politics and has nothing to do with this sordid episode.

The fact that any blog that puts the words 'Anwar sex scandal video' in that particular or any random order would instantly attract 50 per cent more traffic means Malaysians do want to know who is involved in the recording and who is on the tape itself

If the man implicated is indeed a pot bellied person with generous backside then it would help to clear Anwar's name and forever shame Datuk Trio of Eskay, RTC and Shuib Lazim for their involvement.

If the man does indeed take a strong likeness to Anwar, then let the people decide if it is real or whether it is just the result of editing whizz.


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