The Man Of Many Talents

Hantu Laut

Looked like Anwar Ibrahim is on the vanguard of another reformasi movement, given a new lease of life by the illicit sex video.If the tape is a true fake Anwar is king.

Rahim Thamby Cik misread the whole scenario, he has forgotten that Anwar is a better political animal than he is, one who can turn the table around and take the aces and give you the craps.

He has been drumming up supports by organising public rallies attracting thousands of followers and spectators and of course, the very thing he wanted to show Malaysians and the rest of the world, the brutal Malaysian police stopping his peaceful cheramahs.As Mahathir rightly portrayed in his book "When Anwar wanted to win people over, he could be very polished and charming.He could win over the strongly religious Arabs while being friendly with die-hard, anti-Arab Jews"

That's how good Anwar is in psychological warfare, rabble-rousing and bewitching.He has excellent interpersonal skills and can be very charming if he wanted to and just as nasty in the same equity.He collects friends as fast as he loses them.His impatience killed many of his high ambitions.The misstep costs him the premiership.

Remember! When he fell off a horse and almost broke his neck and had to use a neck brace for many months for the whole of Malaysia to see and took pity on him and prayed for his safety.

In his book Mahathir wrote that Anwar took up riding because he did.He probably mistaken a 'trot' for a 'gallop'. Before he learned to ride properly, he started galloping.He fell, almost broke his neck and had to be hospitalised.

That weaken spine of his came handy during his detention when he was again seen in neck brace for many months and the police was implicated.

Mahathir, over 20 years his senior have never had a fatal fall off a horse.Unlike Mahathir, horse riding or any equestrian sports had never been his passion. He rides for posterity.

During his time! in UMNO , when he was Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister then and much involved in the youth movement where his main support base was, he picked up another sport, equally dangerous if your are reckless and impatience.

He took up jet skiing, a sport for the young and restless. There was a mad rush by the Sabah UMNO boys, some of whom did not know or have even seen what a jet ski looked like, to buy jet skis, to join their favourite leader whenever he visited Sabah then.Leading the pack was a one time Berjaya supremo/UMNO Likas divisional head, always seen with Anwar on his outings here.

I do not know Anwar personally because I have never been in politics, I only watch politicians.

I have only met one top politician twice, on trade missions to China and Pakistan, Tun Mahathir Mohammad, who was prime minister then.

In form, Mahathir, commands respect and is statesmanlike, even his gait is that of a statesman, unless, you are Lim Kit Siang or Anwar Ibrahim who have an axe to grin with him than you would not see him in the same light, he becomes a dictator and a tyrant.

I used to watch the going-ons from the safety of my 55-footer how the UMNO boys clamoring around him for attention.

Anwar is very charismatic, there is an aura about him that magnetise certain type of people to him.He can't be faulted for his extraordinary talent, that's how great leaders and great tyrants are born.Even Mahathir admitted how impressed he was with Anwar hence allowing his meteoric rise in the party until he found to his dismay that he would be the next victim of Anwar's glutton for power.The rest is history.

Impatience,recklessness and greed. That was the comeuppance of Anwar Ibrahim.

Majority of Malaysians are sold that the tape is a fake or even if it was not, say was an entrapment, Anwar would still deny and the whole world would believe him.

T! hat's ho w good Anwar Ibrahim is.


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