PR Government To Open An Embassy In Israel
Hamas has received the announcement made by Dato' Seri Najib during UMNO's General Assembly regarding Malaysia's proposal to open an embassy in a sovereign Palestine in the near future, which meant a lot. Hamas's Head of International Relations, Usamah Hamdan looks at this as a positive stand from the Malaysian government and UMNO leadership towards Palestine. He also expressed his hopes that the embassy would be able to help in rebuilding Palestine. Usama also hopes that the proposal would become an inspiration for other Islamic countries in taking the same stand, supporting Palestine. During the speech, Dato' Seri Najib also once again expressed Malaysia's commitment in fighting for justice for Palestinians. Justice in Islam is defined as putting something at its right place. That is why, justice for Palestine should be seen as stopping any force from taking over their land, which has been part of their rights. This also mean to return the rights of Palestinians to live, peace, education, work, prayers, relax, and the rights to develop their country. Israel has no rights over Palestine. Despite that, due to the fact that Judaism shares the same sacred place with Islam in Palestine, the Jews decided to take over Palestine and declare it as their country. Palestine is prepared to negotiate and tolerate so that they could achieve peace. However, it is true what the Quran says where Jews cannot be trusted because they are condemned by Allah SWT until the end of time. History has recorded how the Jews had broken a lot of agreements multiple times by proposing deals that only benefit them more than others. Few of the efforts taken to achieve peace would be the Annapolis Summit in 2007 w! here it proposed a "Two State Solution" - Israel and Palestine. This means dividing Palestine into two separate areas where one of it will be declared as a sovereign Israel country. What is interesting here is that few of those who signed the document which was brought to the Annapolis Summit is Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia's Opposition leader. Anwar signed it on the capacity of a Committee Member of the International Crisis Group (ICG), an organization sponsored by George Soros. Other signatories include Lord Patten (Joint Chairman), Thomas R. Pickering (Joint Chairman), Gareth Evans (President), Morton Abramowitz, , Kenneth Adelman, Shlomo Ben-Ami, Kim Campbell, Maria Livanos Cattaui, Wesley Clark, Carla Hills, Stephen Solarz and George Soros himself. Anwar's name was focused in IGC's letter to President Bush, and Anwar was then deemed as an Muslim leader who also agreed to the solution which was proposed by ICG. Thus, with his name stated as a signatory which recognizes Israel, how can Anwar deny that he supports Zionists? Based on this fact, certainly, if Anwar becomes the Prime Minister of Malaysia under Pakartan Rakyat, he would have to be responsible to implement what he had agreed and signed upon, recognizing Israel as a sovereign nation. The next step, obviously establishing Malaysian Embassy at the state to show support and close ties between him and Zionist leaders.
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