BN's candidate for Galas by-election on TV3's Soal-Jawab tonight?

Sheih Azidi aka Kickdefella was one of the biggest socio-political rebels to emerge from the Malaysian blogosphere during the retentive period of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's short-lived term as prime minister. About a year before the fall of "de fella", Sheih went on to work for PAS' Husam as a media adviser and set up a state-of-the-art comm infrastructure aimed, among other things, to defeat Tun Dol's army. It was not to be a happy outing as, after the general election of March 2008, Sheih discovered all sorts of hanky-panky going on around Husam and in the party. Inevitably, Kickdefella re-emerged except this time the "punching bag" isn't Tun Dol but Nik Aziz, the so-called spiritual leader of PAS. Thanks to Sheih, many of us now know better. Before Sheih's series of exposes on Nik Aziz and his son-in-law, many thought the PAS vet really was a saint.

Now, I'm sure that Sheih has not spent all bullets against Nik Aziz. You see, this blogger is also a seasoned politicians, having been a local Ketua Pemuda for years until he was disillusioned by Tun Dol. If there's going to be a by-election in Galas, Kelantan, which has just lost thier Adun, I don't see why Sheih Azidi should not be considered.

This guy, for sure, will scare the hell of the holy men in Kelantan.

Sheih will appear tonight on TV3's Soal-Jawab at 11 pm. The talk show is hosted by seasoned journalist and blogger Ahmad A. Talib. It will be an all-blogger affair, with Dr Ridzwan Bakar, who blogs as Doctor 2008, and Munirah Hanin, who blogs on parentingm as the other guests on the show.
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