Najib: Help transform nation "by first donating $0.50 for every email into my pocket" ?

Help transform nation: Najib

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the rakyat must be the catalyst for a country to transform.

The prime minister said he had always stressed the values of moderation and the 1Malaysia concept of "People First, Performance Now".

If the people uphold such values and concepts, "we can achieve so much more and be a positive influence to those around us", he added.

"How we lead our lives and the beliefs that we hold dear affect everything around us," he said in his 1Malaysia blog.

Najib said there were many ways the people could contribute to the success of transforming the nation.

"Whether it is in fighting crime, whistle-blowing and eradicating corruption, helping students and the poor or even giving feedback on how we can further improve future outcomes and results, your contribution moves us forward," he said.

"Together we can forge a culture of continuous improvements with you, the rakyat, taking the initiative to propel the country forward."

Najib also said the people could recognise the work and effort put into achieving the results of the Government Transformation Programme by reading the GTP Annual Report 2010.

"The report will show you how far we have come and what we are able to achieve in just one year. At a mere 254 pages, this report is the result of the dedication, determination and hard work put in by the civil service, academics, non-governmental organisations, private sector and many more who have come together to address and provide solutions to the issues that matter to you," he said.

"Just look at what we have been able to achieve within the first year of launching the GTP. Imagine what heights and successes we can attain if all of us were to come together and work as a nation in the spirit of 1Malaysia to achieve a common goal."

The GTP is aimed at transforming the way the government works to deliver solutions to the issues and concerns that affect the people.

Najib said the people must endure short-term pain for long-term gain if they want to rake in the benefits.

"These benefits will not only be enjoyed by us today but also by our future generations. Let us ensure a brighter and better future for Malaysia." -- Bernama


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