Pemimpin PAS Gigit Sesama Sendiri
PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali assured the Chinese community today that a vote for the Islamist party does not mean they have to support the introduction of Islamic penal law for all should the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) opposition bloc take power at the next national polls.
PAS has repeatedly been put on the defensive in recent weeks over its plans to enforce hudud, which has been passed as law in two states.
But the party has steadfastly said hudud is not part of the opposition bloc's common policy framework and cannot be carried out without the express agreement of its political partners or majority vote through the democratic process in Parliament.
DAP is definitely against hudud and I believe that for the Chinese casting votes for PAS, it does not mean they support hudud either," Mustafa told Sin Chew Daily, the country's best-selling Chinese vernacular paper in an interview published on its web edition today.
"My request now is for Sin Chew to... print a denial on the issue that was brought up," PAS treasurer Dr Hatta Ramli told reporters this afternoon after a PR secretariat meeting in Petaling Jaya.
Hatta also said PR hopes "the denial made by Mat Sabu will be carried in the same newspaper on the front page of its next edition."
Sin Chew Daily had splashed on its front page today a report headlined "PAS will implement hudud if it comes to power", citing the Islamist party's No. 2, popularly known as Mat Sabu, as saying he will seek to amend the Federal Constitution to enable the Islamic penal code to be implemented.
Mohamad told The Malaysian Insider this morning that when he was contacted by! a reporter from Sin Chew, he never mentioned the word "hudud" in the telephone conversation.
He said he had repeatedly made clear that PAS' wish to amend the law will be done through the parliamentary process and will not conflict with the Federal Constitution, the supreme law of the land.
"Whatever PAS wishes to do must have PR's agreement.
"We maintain the agreement that has been recognised by all parties in PR," he said, referring to the common policy framework signed by PAS and its political allies PKR and the DAP when they formed the PR opposition pact shortly after the landmark Election 2008 to counter the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition.
Makin berterabur pemimpin PAS sekarang. Nik aziz dok membebel kononnya nak hudud. Hj Hadi tolak hudud tapi nak nak negara berkebajikan. Mat sabu mengelak jawap isu hudud. Mustafa Ali pulak cakap kalau nak buat hudud, kena ada persetujuan dari geng pakatan iaitu PKR dengan DAP. Sedangkan Mustafa Ali sendiri tahu PKR dengan DAP memang sah tolak hudud.
Pemimpin PAS sengaja main wayang, yang bodoh melantun pengikut dorang juga senang senang kena tipu hehehehe.
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