to Shake or Not to Shake - Cikgu Normala

What a vulgar title, isn't it ?

I am not talking of twist and shake shake shake or "shake your booty" or come on let's do it....No no no ...the Malay joget ways have long gone! Thanks to PAS fundamentalist extremist political Islam that saw its fervor at its best when the likes of ustaz hadi and anWar the populist exploited Iranian Revolution to impose no concerts ( akan melalikan), no fun-fare ( ada elemen perjudian) or game of chance etc

Malaysia is fast becoming a joke today. We are so caught up in the politics of racial and religious sentiments that we lost view of the larger picture or the macro over micro view. We have of late received international attention over issues like spanking or caning beer drinkers, forbidding Muslims to work in alcohol related industries or premise, segregating the males and females in case some of them got horny while in closer proximity and the latest whether a candidate should even bother to shake hands with constituents while pleading for their votes.

There have been many reactions on the issue of hand shake in the Tenang by-election. The issue was a competition between the right of a Female Muslim to refuse to give a warm welcome or hand shake to seek the votes of her constituents.

It has been traditionally a political practice to be courteous and respectful of the people you intend to serve by extending your hand for a handshake. In the case of DS Wan Azizah the President of Parti Keadilan Rakyat, she strike a balance by wearing a glove to fulfill her husband Anwar Ibrahim's Islamic credentials in case her hand shake was taken up as a political issue.

This effort by PKR President DS Wan Azizah is laudable and typical of AnWar suave public image and relation management as he is trying very hard to deposit the pool of young Chinese votes under Pakatan since the Chinese have had decades of unfavorable treatment from the years of Mahathir/AnWar authoritarian rule in the 80s 90s etc

The issue of new political player Cikgu Normala a presentable ex-teacher refusal to shake hands is a genuine display of political ignorance and failure to exercise respect, courtesy and conform to the sentiments of more than 39% of Chinese votes.

The refusal to wear a glove and exercise public relation to obtain more Chinese votes must have been a calculated political risk taken by PAS who had earlier acknowledged that they will not win. The refusal to shake hands is a political "up" or increase in PAS stake in a foregone by-election.

By not wearing a glove and refusing to shake hands, PAS the fundamentalist extremist Islamic party had with subtlety introduced the fundamentalist extremist Islam to show to the largely Muslim voters nationally that PAS had succeeded in promoting true Islam to the Kafirs as opposed to Umno who had only been paying lip service to Islam with no intentions of setting up an Islamic State with Islamic Hudud Criminal Laws and Syariah Laws l;ock stocks and barrels.

PAS has cunningly allowed MCA to raised the issue that is latently sensitive to the Chinese who generally feared Islamic Hudud Laws as unlike Syariah Laws, Hudud will have an immediate, indirect and direct impact on these Kafir's freedom, liberty and lifestyle etc

Upon MCA raising this simple issue of handshake, DAP had ferociously come to the defence of Cikgu Normala. This is despite the fact that DAP has no inkling of her background and her political will of dominance over Kafirs/Non-Muslims. PAS had succeeded to prove that Kafirs/Non-Muslims had accepted fundamental extreme Islam by this very simple gesture of a very cunning tactical move.

Umno had failed to see or pass this tactical move when their members retaliate and attack MCA for questioning fundamental Islam. In other words, Umno is also acknowledging that their woman candidates of 'political handshake' is religiously wrong and Umno is therefore of a lesser moral political force over PAS on the battle between fundamental extreme political Islam (represented by PAS versus moderate open-minded political Islam (as propounded by Umno). Is it that Umno had lost their grounds?

Whereas PAS had happily allowed DAP to sanctify their fundamentalist extremist political Islam, Umno had been trapped into making a diplomatic statement but spun and twisted by pro-opposition cyber media and bloggers to make Umno looked worst in the eyes of "Ketuanan Melayu" phobia influenced by DAP using individual isolated bogeyman statements.

To be fair, what DPM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin actually said was this :

"There is no need to go on about this. I don't want to prolong this matter," the BN's polls commander-in-chief told a press conference in Tenang today.

He said Normala has her reasons for not shaking hands - and than she has the freedom to do so - and that BN should not manipulate the issue.

"It is up to the voters to judge because she might have her own reasons. We in BN should not exploit the candidate's personal (reasons). That is her choice, but we leave it to the voters to judge."

Pressed further, Muhyiddin said there were other more important issues to be addressed.

"There are other main issues that need to be focused on (and) explained (in showing) our commitment to helping the people and the voters here."

But Malaysiakini had added some strong brew to spite the DPM's words of diplomacy by reporting with a headline and opening as follows :

Muhyiddin ticks off MCA on 'hand shake' row
MCA has been slapped on the wrist by Deputy Prime Minister and BN deputy chairperson Muhyiddin Yassin for its attempts to ridicule PAS candidate Normala Sudirman for refusing to shake hands with male voters in Tenang.

As usual pro-opposition alternative media had s field day pitting Umno against MCA to provoke more Chinese protest votes to prove that the Chinese are accepting PAS fundamentalist extremist political Islam! But are we?

Many had failed to recall that PAS had ruled that women cannot be candidates in a public office of elected Yang Berhurmat. Now that PAS had openly acknowledged that their past ruling in the name of fundamentalist extremist Islam is flawed with political agenda as they do not have good woman candidates now, had failed to question the credibility, consistency and authority of PAS.

i concur that PAS should not allow people like Cikgu Normala to stand for public office as she is too stuck up with her personal ways and not the rakyats ways. Will she caused further apprehension and tension with her wayward political ways in future?

Mana dia PAS untuk semua? Mana dia Rakyat didahulukan ?

DAP as usual will membisu or missing in action when PAS politically triumphed in future?

DAP is a JOKE ! The highest political chinaman Ah Q that will bring more political hardship for the Kafirs in future as more Umno surrendered to PAS ways!

DAP will be responsible for the influx of "Ketuhanan Melayu/PAS'" over "Ketuanan Melayu".

Be prepared ! Be warned !

Where is Dap's middle ground? by giving in more to Pas fundamentalism and extremism to taste political power borrowed from PAS?

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