PKR Men lose MTUC battle

Syed Shahir and Abdullah Sani, well known PKR men felt the sting of loss when the duo lost their contest for the two top post of the Malaysian Trade Union Congress.

Syed ShahirKhalid Atan received 255 votes while Syed Shahir got 213 votes

Abdullah Sani
Meanwhile Halim Mansur beat Abdullah Sani and J Solomon with 188 votes compared to 165 and 117 votes of the other two.

Syed Shahir is a member of PKR's central committee while Abdullah Sani is PKR's MP for Kuala Langat.

Syed Shahir has been under heavy fire for putting too much emphasis on opposition politics and not enough on worker's rights.

The MTUC were badly shamed when the Government went ahead with the study of minimum wage policy without their input or egging.

The MTUC's influence on Government policy on labour ebbed after the departure of TWU president Zainal Rampak from the top post.

Zainal was famous for being made a senator.

Senior trade unionist Shafie BP Mammal said Khaldi and Halim are long-time labour activists but their lack of experience and knowledge at the top level means that they will need a bit more time to climb the learning curve.

"They can work together and it is important that they focus on the issues that have cost Syed Shahir and Abdullah Sani their seats, this is a good sign for MTUC, it is a time for change and change they must.
Shafie is president of Union Network International-Malaysia.

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