Karpal, The Lying Singh!

By Susan Lim

In 1997 Karpal Singh accused Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of sodomy in parliament. He then said in a DAP ceramah in Federal Hotel at the same year that he had proof that Anwar was involved in sodomy.

Today, he is defending Anwar against the allegation.

So, did Karpal really believe that Anwar was guilty as charged then? Did or did Karpal not have the proof against Anwar then? Did Karpal lie in parliament? Did Karpal lie in the DAP’s ceramah?

Or is Karpal lying now?

Since Anwar has been found guilty of sodomy in the first case, with all three judges affirmatively stated that they believe that Anwar was involved in homosexual activities, it is there for, confirmed that Karpal was NOT lying when he made the sodomy allegation against Anwar in parliament.

But today, Karpal claimed to have made the allegation merely because of his capacity as an opposition member.

In other words, Karpal claimed to have lied in parliament just to gain some political milleage for DAP.

If that’s so, it means that he also lied in the DAP ceramah about the proofs that he had against Anwar.

Bottom line is Karpal is a liar. Now or then, either way or both ways, Karpal, a DAP leader, had actually lied to all Malaysians.

Is it a norm, an acceptable act of politics in the Pakatan Rakyat to present a hard lie to the rakyat in order to gain support?

If lying about facts and figures is ‘not a big deal’ in PR and expect the rakyat to accept it as a “brilliant political strategy”, how many other things have DAP, PKR and PAS been lying to us?

‘Lying’ is a disease. It may spread and bring harm to those who have been infected by it. Lying often leads to bigger lies till everything fell apart. Anwar is a carrier of the lying virus, Raja Petra Kamaruddin too and they are both suffering from incurable lies. Now, we know that Karpal is also infected and there is no way that Karpal can be cured.

What Karpal can do to survive now is to keep on lying. Be aware that Karpal’s next lie will only get bigger. As the worst always starts with one ‘white’ lie, a ‘dark’ lie will certainly lead to something beyond the worst.

Maybe, PR leaders who are confirmed to be infected need to be quarantined in order to contain the disease from spreading. The more these leaders talk the more harm it brings not only to the nation, but to their own parties too.


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