Politics of Instigation and Agitation – Anwar at his best!
Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim is destroying the country and he must be stopped!!!
He still believes Malays are naive, ignorant, brainless, idiots and mainly to be easily convinced!! He is in for a surprise!!
Anwar Dajjal!
Here we go again. Haven't we seen this before? This is classic Anwar at work.
Those who are familiar with his style of politics would know he is a master of instigating the public into street protests, frenzy and riots.
This is a man who does not care about anything except himself. Here is a man who spent his political career in Umno, enriching himself and enjoying the powers of a DPM but now project himself as a man of the people.
There are enough video evidence to show how he has mocked and belittled PAS and DAP but now he sleeps with them, convincing them that they will be in Putrajaya but of course, he will be the PM.
This is the former education minister who ordered the crosses to be removed from all Christian mission schools but today, there are plenty of churches who think he is the Messiah who will save them.
He was a! lso the minister who wanted to put non-Chinese speaking headmasters in Chinese schools but the DAP has closed their eyes and ears, preferring to rewrite history, be selective in their memories and see him as their hope.
This the man who talks about morality by claiming all those sex tapes were doctored and that he isn't the man in these videos.
There are of course enough idiots who believed this evil man.
Anwar talks about accountability and his hatred of corruption but we know that how many cronies he built up and the fortune he has amassed.
Maybe Azmin Ali want to take us on a tour of his garage and see how many Porsches he has.
In the run up to the January 9 court decision, he has been touring the country in his typical pre-emptive strikes to tell his listeners that he has been fixed up.
No, he is not a sodomist, No, he is not an adulterer. Sure, he is an imam muda, just like many brain-washed Pakatan Rakyat idiots would believe.
He has sent SMS, e-mails and flyers to the public instigating them to an uprising on Jan 9.
One does not need to be a psychologist to know what are the hidden messages behind all the posters and leaflets.
He is asking the public to revolt. He does not care about the consequences or public safety.
This portal urges the authorities not to fall into his trap. He wants the police to arrest the protestors and his accomplices – the western media and Malaysiakini – are only too eager to show the world that Malaysia is dictatorial.
Let his men go wild. The police should just stand and watch. Let's see how far they can go.
Let's see whether those who support protests and demonstrations would still back him if things goes off tangent.
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