Dialogue between Ben Eder, a New York Pastor and Mahaguru58
Ben EderSeptember 29 at 7:31pmReportDear Zainol,
I have been reading with interest your posts about a Christian convert from Islam who has been insulting Islam. I guess I should find the "You Tube" clip, as I do not know what he said.
While your being upset is understandable, what I and many in the West have difficulty understanding is the Muslim need for revenge (especially in cases like this). Is this man threatened by death because he was a former Muslim and is therefore considered a betrayer of the faith?
Also, in Christianity the Bible says "Vengeance is mine, says the Lord." If this man has insulted God, isn't God able to judge him and take care of him in God's own time? Why must human beings take it upon themselves to exact this vengeance?
Having said that, I think we who are Christians need to spend more time proclaiming Christ rather than insulting or denigrating other religions. My desire is to be like Jesus to you and all Muslims.
Your Brother,
Zainol AbideenSeptember 29 at 8:11pmDear Ben,
The Blessed Final Messenger of Allah is not someone whom we take to be as any other being.
For those of us Muslims who dedicate our lives to the Cause of Islam, the Blessed Final and Greatest Messenger of Almighty Allah can't be taken in vain.
Please refer to :http://quran.com/33/56
None is a true and proper Muslim if he or she fails to love the Blessed Messenger more than even their own selfs or over their parents?
Thus, for us to stand idly by and watch this blasphemer mock, ridicule and insult the Greatest Messenger of God would be tantamount to be an accomplice to that accursed one.
We do differ in our perspectives concerning our faith, dear Ben and I do not expect you to really understan! d as to why Muslims get so worked up whenever the person of the Final Prophet of Allah is put to such ridicule by those who have no true knowledge of who he was and what he stands for in our Islamic faith?
Yet deep in my heart, I have a feeling that given the right information and presented with the actual facts of who Muhammad the Unlettered Prophet really is, you too would come to understand why Muslims revere him, the Chosen One whom God Almighty Himself honors with the best of salutations and felicitations over the entire Creation?
If you have been reading my work over the years, you'll realize that I never touch on the faiths of others except having responded to a cheeky reposte by a guy who calls himself as Sean-the man- blogspot who recommended Non Muslims here in Malaysia to carry a 'Hell No! I'm not a Muslim card' to sort of prevent being declared to be a Muslim by what he claims to be overzealous religious officials here in Malaysia?
I joked with another friend of mine that such cards can get lost or misplaced. Why not have a tattoo proclaiming the same thing? Tattoos aren't forbidden in Non Muslim beliefs.
That jibe by myself was blown out of proportions by those whose agenda in blogosphere is to make a mountain out of a molehill and they branded me and my friend as Muslim extremists! :P
Those who know me truly can testify that I'm nothing of the sort. I just love my faith with the deepest of conviction and will never allow anyone to demean it.
We are brothers in this worship of Almighty God.
It is only a thin fine line that divides us.
My love and respect for you sir.
Zainol.Surat Al-'Ahzab [33:56] - The Holy Qur'an - quran.comSurat Al-'Ahzab [verse 56] - Indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels [ask Him to do so]. O you who have believed, ask [ Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [ Allah to grant him] peace.Share
Ben EderSeptember 29 at 8:26pmReportIn Christianity, neither are we to defame the name of God. "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain" (the Second Commandment).
It's interesting how Christians and Muslims view judgment and retribution. When Jesus was on the cross, he was scorned, mocked, and ridiculed. Rather than condemning them, he prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Furthermore, Jesus commands us to "Love your enemies" and "Do good to those who harm you."
It should be the goal of every Christian to follow the teachings of Christ. Sometimes we fail in this regard. But I do know that Muslims and Christians can be friends, dialog together, and work together in God's name.
I truly respect the Muslims for many things, especially your desire to uphold God's name. Many in the West are secular, hedonistic, and atheistic. They do not give God the honor and respect he deserves. Therefore, I pray that I give others a good witness and bring the love of Jesus to them.
Zainol AbideenSeptember 29 at 8:33pmWe who are Muslims love all prophets and messengers of God. None is a true Muslim if he or she insults any of God's prophets or messengers. That is why despite such insults by those who abuse your faith by misrepresenting it, we Muslims do not reciprocate likewise!
Ben EderSeptember 29 at 8:38pmReportThank you, Zainol; wise words to begin my day! God's peace be upon you!
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I have been reading with interest your posts about a Christian convert from Islam who has been insulting Islam. I guess I should find the "You Tube" clip, as I do not know what he said.
While your being upset is understandable, what I and many in the West have difficulty understanding is the Muslim need for revenge (especially in cases like this). Is this man threatened by death because he was a former Muslim and is therefore considered a betrayer of the faith?
Also, in Christianity the Bible says "Vengeance is mine, says the Lord." If this man has insulted God, isn't God able to judge him and take care of him in God's own time? Why must human beings take it upon themselves to exact this vengeance?
Having said that, I think we who are Christians need to spend more time proclaiming Christ rather than insulting or denigrating other religions. My desire is to be like Jesus to you and all Muslims.
Your Brother,
The Blessed Final Messenger of Allah is not someone whom we take to be as any other being.
For those of us Muslims who dedicate our lives to the Cause of Islam, the Blessed Final and Greatest Messenger of Almighty Allah can't be taken in vain.
Please refer to :http://quran.com/33/56
None is a true and proper Muslim if he or she fails to love the Blessed Messenger more than even their own selfs or over their parents?
Thus, for us to stand idly by and watch this blasphemer mock, ridicule and insult the Greatest Messenger of God would be tantamount to be an accomplice to that accursed one.
We do differ in our perspectives concerning our faith, dear Ben and I do not expect you to really understan! d as to why Muslims get so worked up whenever the person of the Final Prophet of Allah is put to such ridicule by those who have no true knowledge of who he was and what he stands for in our Islamic faith?
Yet deep in my heart, I have a feeling that given the right information and presented with the actual facts of who Muhammad the Unlettered Prophet really is, you too would come to understand why Muslims revere him, the Chosen One whom God Almighty Himself honors with the best of salutations and felicitations over the entire Creation?
If you have been reading my work over the years, you'll realize that I never touch on the faiths of others except having responded to a cheeky reposte by a guy who calls himself as Sean-the man- blogspot who recommended Non Muslims here in Malaysia to carry a 'Hell No! I'm not a Muslim card' to sort of prevent being declared to be a Muslim by what he claims to be overzealous religious officials here in Malaysia?
I joked with another friend of mine that such cards can get lost or misplaced. Why not have a tattoo proclaiming the same thing? Tattoos aren't forbidden in Non Muslim beliefs.
That jibe by myself was blown out of proportions by those whose agenda in blogosphere is to make a mountain out of a molehill and they branded me and my friend as Muslim extremists! :P
Those who know me truly can testify that I'm nothing of the sort. I just love my faith with the deepest of conviction and will never allow anyone to demean it.
We are brothers in this worship of Almighty God.
It is only a thin fine line that divides us.
My love and respect for you sir.
Zainol.Surat Al-'Ahzab [33:56] - The Holy Qur'an - quran.comSurat Al-'Ahzab [verse 56] - Indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels [ask Him to do so]. O you who have believed, ask [ Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [ Allah to grant him] peace.Share
It's interesting how Christians and Muslims view judgment and retribution. When Jesus was on the cross, he was scorned, mocked, and ridiculed. Rather than condemning them, he prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Furthermore, Jesus commands us to "Love your enemies" and "Do good to those who harm you."
It should be the goal of every Christian to follow the teachings of Christ. Sometimes we fail in this regard. But I do know that Muslims and Christians can be friends, dialog together, and work together in God's name.
I truly respect the Muslims for many things, especially your desire to uphold God's name. Many in the West are secular, hedonistic, and atheistic. They do not give God the honor and respect he deserves. Therefore, I pray that I give others a good witness and bring the love of Jesus to them.
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