Another scholarship crises for MCA to yelp at
Ok, since MCA kicked off the game, I suppose I can only do a bit of benchmarking here. Which brings me to Yayasan Negeri Sembilan.
By Lee Wee Tak
So MCA has been blasting Yayasan Selangor over only 12 chinese students getting scholarship from Yayasan Selangor.
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 23 — MCA’s Datuk Ti Lian Ker rebuked Teresa Kok today for accusing his party of misleading the public over the low number of Chinese students receiving aid from Selangor’s education fund.
MCA leaders, including Ti, had accused the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) state government of dispensing aid from the education fund to “only 12 Chinese students out of 4,000 applicants”.
Ok, since MCA kicked off the game, I suppose I can only do a bit of benchmarking here.
Which brings me to Yayasan Negeri Sembilan. has stated this as their objective:
Tujuan penubuhan Yayasan Negeri Sembilan adalah bagi membolehkan Yayasan Negeri Sembilan menjalankan aktiviti sosial dan ekonomi terutama dalam aktiviti menaja dan memajukan peluang mendapat pendidikan di kalangan rakyat Negeri Sembilan melalui pinjaman pendidikan, biasiswa dan bantuan kewangan.
Great, wonderful, no race orientated remark like Perkasa, BTN or Siti Inshah brigade. Now let's look at the application.
The full list is available at:
According to the latest list of successful loan applicants for Jan - June 2010, of the 274, there were 7 Indians (2.6%), 2 Chinese (0.8%) and the rest, 265 (96.6%) are Malays.
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